No screentime for Johnnie Rose and Miller Steven Etheridge

In accordance with our household theory, the babies have mostly wooden toys. Big Legos were introduced recently, but otherwise, they just play with things that are madehow to splaintoys that are made of "nature."

In accordance with our household theory, the babies have mostly wooden toys. Big Legos were introduced recently, but otherwise, they just play with things that are made…how to ‘splain…toys that are made of "nature."

They don’t watch screens (except that [Kansas City] Chiefs loyalty thing for 3 minutes), they only have dolls with only dots for eyes, and half-circles of yarn for mouths; they don’t watch TV, videos, DVDs, or anything with a screen; and they won’t for a long, long time. Perhaps next year they can watch the family movie that [Melissa] makes every year.

Oh, yeah. and everywhere I go, I am told the twins are the best behaved babies X person has ever been around. Or they are the calmest babies that Z person ever saw…

